英検1級2次試験 徹底攻略! 国際線クルーのおすすめ





Should more be done to discourage young people from migrating to urban center?





高度経済成長期において日本にはたくさんの仕事がありましたが、 近年若者は都市に進出し地方は深刻な過疎化が進み、二極化が問題となりつつあります。仕事やエンターテイメントが集中している都市の機能を分散化させていく必要が求められています。



結論として、私は「若者が都会に移住するのを思いとどまらせるためにもっと何かをすべきである」と確信しております。 加えて、社会をより良くするためには、この問題に関して社会で何らかの合意を形成することは良い考えかもしれません。以上です。

I suppose that to discourage young people from migrating to urban center should more be done. I'd like to explain my opinion from the two perspectives. One of the perspectives is how the society has changed regarding this issue, and another is what is a possible counterargument against my opinion.

Firstly, the society has changed largely. The past common sense and experience are not always applicable to the modern society. We need to change our way of thinking as the society changes.

As many companies moved to urban areas in the period of high economic growth, many young people also moved there to get jobs. As a result, the depopulation and aging has severely been advanced in countryside. It is necessary to decentralize jobs and entertainment.

Secondly, this topic is controversial and I think everyone never agrees on a single opinion. Everyone has each position and experience. It is better to consider opinion from different viewpoints before concluding than to ignore it.

Some say that local government have been taken measures for depopulated areas such as various events to let young people know local industries. However, the effectiveness of these mesures is limited mainly due to the lack of financial resources. Japan's government should help local government create good environment where young people can have enough jobs and raise children. to tell young people local industries have held.However,it is just formal,and the goverment should deal with the lack of local financial resources. And it is needed to promote the creation of a satisfying society for young people in the context of works,welfare,and child rearing.

In conclusion, I believe that to discourage young people from migrating to urban center should more be done. In addition to that, it may be a good idea to make some kind of consensus in the society about this issue in order to make the society better. Thank you.


What kinds of serious problems has caused by the gap between the regions?

What do you think about the attracion of the regions?

Please give an example of measures to enrich local financial resources.

What is the problems of the concentration of urban functions?

Do you think that young people will continue to go off to the cities?








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